Today, the Relay For Life movement is the largest and most successful community fundraising activity in the world, and that is thanks in no small part to every single one of the more than 4 million participants who join us around the track each year. Survivors and caregivers around the world come together every year to spread the message of hope – a message that can be understood in any language. It is hope that brings strength and courage to survivors, knowing they are not alone in the cancer journey and that one day, together, we will finish the fight against cancer once and for all!
A highly visible symbol of a personal victory over cancer, the Global Relay For Life Heroes of Hope and their stories encourage support of and participation in the programs of each global cancer organization.
More than simply inspiring us, cancer survivors and caregivers reaffirm the missions of our organizations and reinforce, in a personal way, the need for all of us to continue to fight back against cancer. The Global Relay For Life Heroes of Hope survivorship initiative involves the selection of Heroes of Hope from Global Relay For Life participating countries.
The initiative has three primary goals:
• Give each Global Relay For Life member country an opportunity to recognize one or more cancer survivors who have impacted their community.
• Give one or more cancer survivors the opportunity to serve as a voice for their country’s cancer organization.
• Encourage other cancer survivors to actively share their own cancer story and give hope to others.
Heroes of Hope are extraordinary cancer survivors who represent courageous voices of hope. In telling their stories, they will encourage others to support their cancer organization and to get involved in Relay For Life events. As ambassadors of their countries’ cancer organizations, these Heroes of Hope will inspire other survivors and expand the whole world of cancer survivorship.
Congratulations to our 2015 Global Relay For Life Heroes of Hope!
• James Garlick
• Junette Harris
• Rob Stanley-Jones
• Viviane Vantournhoudt
• Paul Cescon
• Nicole Lang
• Trine Lützen
• Cesar Manzanares
• Marielena Martinez
• Noelle Clancy
• Siubhan Gillespie
• Yvonne Jones
• O’Dell Lewis
• Kiyoko Karasawa
• Shinichi Nakamura
• Makiko Suzuki
• Lena Abdullah
• Maria Teresa Baniquet
• Cheryl de Wit
• Charl Pretorius
• Yoliswa Fatima Sherazi
• Nellie Snyman
• Mirelle Jacobs
• Petra Otten
• Lauren Brown
• Glen Brooks
• Cynthia Dickson
• Ronnie Trentham
• Julie Turner
• Rebecca Siambwati