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21 August 2012


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Hi Pam Trips have filled but we do have new derprtuaes upcoming. I do have your name down for January to Botswana!SAA have never given me too much trouble about my carry on. I have never had an issue with overweight either.Kind regardsDave


Quitting smoking doesn't come from wainthcg videos like this. It comes from knowing yourself trusting, studying your weaknesses. I can be around smokers without the slightest desire to touch one. But two years ago I couldn't leave my house without a pack of Marlboro lights which i finshed before i slept.


Ivan has expressed very elnlteouqy the views of myself and others regarding Chas and his company. I would add that his tuition and knowledge sharing does not stop at the end of the day's shoot, but continues into the evenings on a group or individual basis as required.He is also excellent company when travelling and after a workshop I generally find that my images as well as my wit has improved.Warmest regards,Michael


HIDDEN CURE.Cancer is a deficiency deisase caused by a lack of an essential compound in the modern diet just as scurvy is a deficiency of vitamin C.Big Pharma/FDA profiteers have covered up the cure and have declared it fraud and quackery for over 60 years.Watch A WORLD WITHOUT CANCER YouTube documentary and investigate these facts.Thousands have been cured just by adding this essential compound to their diet without destructive and devastating drugs, chemo and radiation.Choose life instead.


Can you tell the names of the researchers?
The workshop brought together 12 researchers from nine countries (Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Niger, South Africa, Togo, and Zimbabwe


Is "research" really a priority for tobacco control?
Are such workshops (with the cost they imply) the most effective way to proceed?
Isn't that a little self-serving?


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