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17 January 2012


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You gave no rationale for your colsing remark...I view Altria as a hold if held on its own. If investors also own a share of Phillip Morris International (PM) for every share of Altria (MO) that they own, I would only then view Altria as a buy. Phillip Morris International (PM) owns the international operations of Altria and was spun off in 2008 as an independent company. Please explain if possible. Thank you. Lew


I think that's true. Although there is no 100% confirmed rrceaesh about apple in cancer prevention, but it's worth to try. Anyway apples are tasty, cheap and not poison for us. -3Was this answer helpful?


Kyle,Yes, into the air and sohmeow the bullet made its way into Gittens backright? Anyway, these kinds of police incidences became too commonplace. Even I got caught up in being held by a cop around my neighborhood until one of my neighbors rescued me. Wait until next post when I relay my own fathers case of false arrest and imprisonment.RR

Rich Gittens

That's supposed to be http://www.TheFriendsofAfrica.org, not .com.

Rich Gittens

According to the website, www.TheFriendsofAfrica.com, 500,000 women annually are diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of that number, 275,000 will die…and 80% of those deaths will occur in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These women and this disease are the subjects of the documentary film, “Journey to Africa’s Burden.”
Dr. Groesbeck P. Parham is a gynecologic oncologist and surgeon; Dr. Parham is an American man of African descent; Dr. Parham grew up in the violently segregated American south of the 1950’s and 60’s; Dr. Parham lives, works, and saves lives in Zambia, South Africa, the epicenter of this devastating disease; and Dr. Parham is also the subject of “Journey to Africa’s Burden.” We sincerely hope that we are not out of line when we ask you to please visit http://www.Kickstarter.com and type “Journey to Africa’s Burden into the search bar.


Way to go Togo! The fewer toxic cigarette butts in the environment, the better for the country. For more information about just how toxic they are, visit: www.toxicbutts.com

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