Monterrey, Mexico — The American Cancer Society is partnering with a Mexican organiztion to raise awareness of breast cancer. Since 2002, Cimab has been working toward reducing breast cancer mortality through education, information, patient services and advocacy. Throughout October, Cimab and other parnters has organized 50 breast cancer talks and will disseminate information on the importance of early detection. In Monterrey, the organization lit the Atirantado bridge and screened the documentary "Un paso, una cumbre" which follows seven cancer survivors as they conquer the mountain, Pico de Orizaba with their family and friends.
Alessandra Durstine, ACS vice president of global advocacy (picured left) and Maria Elena Maza, ACS Mexico Manager, marked World Breast Cancer Awareness day by participating in the lighting of the Mexican National Monument, Castillo de Chapultepec.
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon gave the keynote address speaking about the great burden of breast cancer on the Mexican economy, society and families. He was joined by his wife, Margarita Zavala, a longtime breast cancer awareness advocate and supporter of ACS and grantee Fundacion Cimab.
The new Minister of Health, Salomon Chertorivski emphasized the Mexican government's support for universal access to treatment and vowed to increase the coverage of screening programs throughout the country.
Alessandra Durstine spoke about the ACS Global Cancer Ambassador program and the goals as follow up to the United Nations High Level Meeting on Non-communicable Disease.
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Posted by: Braian | 19 October 2012 at 09:29 AM
Whether or not she receives chemo is up to her. You state she has stage 2 Breast caecnr and later state it is grade 2 Breast caecnr, is it both? The oncologist will recommend chemo based on the tumor size, the kind of caecnr she has, the grade, her age and her hormone receptor status. Chemo is often recommended in cases with no lymph node involvement.
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Posted by: Cheap Michael Kors | 27 September 2012 at 02:32 AM
It was bound to happen . the damn hipipe part.I merely ask that this technology that doesn't know what it is yet exercises some restraint in declaring its max power for awareness, organizing and activism. You, and many others, posted your bra color online. That's it.To claim something else of any size or degree happened is to handicap the effort to have the potential of these tools taken seriously. That's a consequence that affects both of us and has nothing to do with boobs or democracy.
Posted by: Ben | 18 September 2012 at 12:53 PM
And color me misunderstood. Despite the hetaed debate.Let's recall where it started. I responded to the color meme with a status update of my own, Supports FB activism but wonders if posting your bra color is the latest trend in supporting democracy in Iran. Looks likely to be as effective. True, my favorite rant was present but there was no indignation. This appears to be a very easy way, however, to draw your ire. Really easy and fun!In our discussion I suggested that neither green avatars or bra colors were likely to have a positive or negative effect. You've advocated a positive effect with little tolerance for a discussion of possible negative effects. I have complete confidence that the work of cancer researchers and democratic reformers marches on with little notice of the memes on Twitter or Facebook. That's precisely the point that's missing in your repackaging of our great debate. Is the objective mere participation or awareness? The sheer numbers of people participating only proves participation no understanding or awareness necessary. My feed continues to include posts from women and men asking what the deal is. Awareness requires a message. A task. A take away. This was simply an exercise in participation. And here's the thing with you tech folks (and, yes I'm now presenting myself as the sole representative of the real world), you get excited about a meme and declare it amazing and the numbers participating overwhelming. The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project tries to keep their finger on the actual numbers associated with our online activities. Just a few days ago, they released their report that 74% of adults report using the Internet. Wealth, education and race all influence how likely you are to be online. This, of course, isn't the same as using social media. An October report indicated 19% of Internet users reported sharing an update via Twitter or Facebook or a similar service. You're absolutely correct, a good majority of the people using these services are likely to be aligned with a cause. They are also likely, because of those demographic characteristics mentioned previously, to have been aware of breast cancer, to conduct self-exams, and to schedule regular mammograms (if that's appropriate). We can celebrate our good nature and this new frontier in the self-esteem movement or we can raise the bar just a bit. This good-natured minority using social media has to imagine it's necessary to break outside their posh and groovy bubble to demonstrate the real power of these tools. Come on, Thompson. We've had this discussion when it comes to politics and you agree with me.And to that, let's remember your original position was that this was all a bit of silly fun. To which I responded, hollow gestures AT LEAST threaten to undermine substantive action. You really are blind to those moderate qualifiers aren't you? Context matters as does the true grit of these survivors' stories. My advocacy position is simply that change is hard work. The downward trend in civic participation has been well documented over the past thirty years. We need these new tools of social media to reverse that trend but silly memes aren't anything but a demonstration amongst an already in-crowd. We'll have to get together to talk about how political candidates have realized this potential. The problem is that most campaigns are constrained by a harsh reality that tech analysts get to brush aside this is a very shallow pool. The world isn't here yet. You, Ms. Thompson, and your cronies still have work to do. In the meantime, I will continue to recruit women to show their support for democracy in Iran by posting their bra color.
Posted by: Gesselle | 18 September 2012 at 10:29 AM
Hello foixvtw foixvtw,
The majority of cops are unethical, just as the majority of politicians are unethical, just as the majority of lawyers are unethical, just as. prolzedyaxy
good foixvtw!!
Posted by: Goyard Online Shop | 02 September 2012 at 06:44 PM
This is such a beautiful post Yvonne! I just love it. Not only are the pirtcues beautiful, but you can tell they are so happy and just act like a couple of newlyweds. Laughter is for sure lifes best medicine. All the best to your dad for a speedy recovery! ♥
Posted by: Nonik | 09 July 2012 at 04:02 AM
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Posted by: sharoon | 21 April 2012 at 02:15 PM
I have 2 children, who I love and adore I cdulon't begin to imagine life with out my children. I can not understand how someone could hurt an innocent child, especially the childs own parents. Someone no everyone needs to open their eyes & see there is something wrong & find a solution we owe it to our children, our nieces & nephews, our grandchildren, great grandchildren & ourselves. To everyone affected by this horrible crimes, my heart goes out to you!!!!May all of these sweet innocent children never know pain again. They are in God's arms now, and they are safe from harm!!!!
Posted by: Intan | 19 April 2012 at 11:31 PM
There are some similarities here with sdpieeng tickets, in that the evidence (photo of car, or IP address) provides evidence of illegal activity, but it does not specifically identify the person who did it. In fact it's quite possible, for example if the wifi were insecure, that a landlord may receive a letter accusing him of infringement when in fact it wasn't him OR his tenants, but someone who got into the wifi from outside the building.This same issue does apply to hotels and libraries and so many other areas. I would (perhaps idealistically) hope that Copyright owners stop criminalising their customers and instead focus on making all their wonderful content available at fair prices, and so it's very easily accessible. Right now if you wanted to watch many TV programmes online, they're not available at all, and those that are have silly limitations or absurd prices. Spotify is a wonderful example of a new, innovative business that may help plug the revenue gap.The Digital Economy Act is quite the most appalling piece of legislation I've seen, and it was doubly so as I watched it being passed by the commons with hardly any MPs bothering to turn up for the debate, and large numbers then flooded the chamber when the vote came, just voting along party lines without properly considering (or even understanding) the issues involved. It was a sad and disgraceful day for British democracy, and a sad day for the Internet.On a practical level, as a landlord, I do not provide wifi, I let the tenants take on that responsibility. If I were to run an HMO, I think I'd have to provide it, and in those cases I'd use the AST to pass responsibility for costs related to misuse onto the tenants, not perfect but I'd be comfortable with the reasonably low risks across the portfolio.
Posted by: Samuel | 18 April 2012 at 07:01 AM
Вы можете право доверять, хотите, в духов и
высказывание фаины раневской посмертную жизнь. И рай, и ад. Но когда дело заходит об данном мире, не будьте идиоткой. Потому что вы могёте доложить мне, что вы доверяетесь Богу, чтобы прожить день. Но когда вы
определение родина переходите дорогу, я знаю — вы смотрите в обе стороны.
Posted by: lokopertiop | 13 April 2012 at 04:26 AM
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Posted by: clay-matthews-jersey | 02 December 2011 at 09:09 PM
I think you are right. .
Posted by: jordy-nelson-jersey | 02 December 2011 at 09:08 PM
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Posted by: b-j-raji-jersey | 02 December 2011 at 09:06 PM
Great review and an interesting topic.
Posted by: aaron-rodgers-jersey | 02 December 2011 at 09:05 PM
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