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06 July 2011



I was diagnosed with PC on December 23rd 2011. I'm 53 and in good hetalh well, was Now I am being told that, based on my Gleason score of 6 and the minimal extent of it all, that I should have a nerve-sparing robotic prostectomy man! I was not prepared for that news! Nor was I prepared for all the potential risks involved. I'm trying not to be consumed by all this but dont have a good feeling as to where my mental state (and physical state) is heading. I want to make a good decision but am really scared.. I am fortunate to have a partner who loves me but i don't think he realizes what's coming either . Going to another urologist today to see what he thinks are my best options and will try to make that seemingly impossible choice.


warum nicht:)

Ohio dating

Sounds good that colombia Joins Global News Coverage of "We Can, We Should, We Will Conquer Cancer". This step will provide a lot of positive issues in the nearest future.
Jordan from Ohio dating


gracias a Dios por intiresny

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