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15 May 2011



The American Cancer Society has a history of aacttking those with cures that appear to be working according to the book OPTIONS by Richard Walters, which chronicles how BIG CANCER (American Cancer Society) had those doctors scientists with promising cures maligned defrocked as quacks. Walters shows that those cures on the American Cancer Societies top 20 list for promising cures, all were attacked by The American Cancer Society. CURE=No American Cancer Society Read OPTIONS By Walters!


Net sommer om dinkae te se vir die bloedsweet met die 4 woelwaters,om hulle so oulik te kon laat perform voor die kamera lens. Dit was n heerlike ervaring. Net jammer die pappa was nie daar nie!! Toe maar volgende keer!!!!

writing jobs

Cancer this is a big tragedy of our society...No matter what age you are...No matter in what country you live (U.S or Zimbabwe). Words about cancer as global pandemic illness have huge scene...think about it!

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