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24 September 2010



Lady, by now you know all too well that you and I share the same heartbreak casued by the same dreadful disease. It's funny how I so look forward to your writing to pop up on my FB page, mainly b/c I know you're putting into words what I cannot seem too. The question, do you have children has always bothered me somehow. Now it just has a punch to the gut' kind of feel to it. I cannot wait for the day when that question no longer holds the sting that it does now You WILL become a mother to a very special, sweet, cuddly baby one day. This is my hope & prayer for you as it is for myself. The subject of adoption is still a tough subject for my husband and I, mostly b/c the reality of recurrence is still too fresh. I pray that in time we will both heal enough from our loss to begin to talk about it Hugs your way sweet lady,Clover <3

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Charles-Patrick Almazor, director, Public Sector Partnership.

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Great review and an interesting topic.


maryina Posted on pues en realidad esto no es un mito es algo real muy diciifl de distinguir , las persoas que realizan estas actividades son personas que tienen una enfermedad psicosexual que los mismos doctores es diciifl de tratar ya que el paciente se encuentra en un estado que nada lo satisface y que cree que es lo correcto para, dejar ello el paciente en primer lugar tiene que darse cuenta de que es algo fuera d elo comun sus preferencias y necesita un tratamiento es muy diciifl y pocas personas logran resultados, algunos medicos comentan que el nombre que se les da eso solo alo cientifico y algunos opinan que son deprabados enfermos o etc. en este caso y ami punto de vista yo no comparto este gusto pero entiendo que hay personas que tienen gustos diferentes se merecen respeto como prsona pero ellos tambien deben respetos hacia nosotro y si alguna persona se encuentra interesada en cambiar lo mejor es hacercarse a un psicologo para tratar su caso para indentificar de donde o cual es la razon o el problema de ello, asi que ya saben chicos respeto ante todo porque somo seres humanos.


We are glad that you used the comfort that wrtniig gives to you in letting us know of the most recent news and if by continuing to write will be a comfort to you it will to us all .. We can keep you in our energy , light and prayers each day and help you to navigate this road with great respect , honor and love . Food , tea , flowers too.. Thank you for letting the door open .. Ours home is always open if you need a place to rest inbetween appointments in Portland Big hug and blessings always


Talen I knew smoking was big bsnuseis in Asia but 350 million smokers in China alone, that's staggering. The college students anti smoking protest in Bangkok shows on one hand that Thailand's no smoking campaigns are perhaps working but with female smokers on the rise in the LOS, perhaps not. Mr Shinawatra continues to make the news and it is almost as if he is acting it all out from a script. His ploy to link arms with Thailand's warring' neighbour is I'm sure a way to be close to the red shirt Isaan region and also to antagonise the PM even further. A cat and mouse game in which Thaksin appears to have the upper hand.Back to smoking. Having failed with the electronic cigarette I'm now considering trying the latest wonder drug for kicking the habit, Chantix..-= Martynb4s last blog .. =-.

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Esa es una accomlishment increíble. Fue sin duda vale la pena algún tiempo MIA si fueron capaces de hacer que eso suceda......

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donc je ne pense pas qu'il ait vraiment un jeu jumpshot médiums, soit - je l'aurais mis dans la catégorie des tronçonneuses et des acteurs à l'intérieur ainsi que Amare, Hill et Barbosa.


Inspiring in more ways than visual shtteeaic, too!A FANTASTIC exposition of commercial propaganda and the pushing of ideologies right there!! and also pretty unsettling reminder of some of the sincerely held beliefs and values of recent history !!


Among other initiatives, a mrlitaiy biological warfare facility was converted into an internationally admired cancer treatment center.And this on Dick Nixon's watch. My word, he was downright progressive, compared to today's Republicans.Righties are very pissed off at the American Cancer Society, btw, for speaking the truth about health-care and health-insurance inequities. Apparently the ACS isn't supposed to take sides on health issues!


OH congrulations on uittiqng. That's an amazing accomlishment. It was certainly worth some MIA time if you were able to make that happens. Well done. Looking forward to some updates.


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Great review and an interesting topic.


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Panelists included Lance Armstrong; Dr. Paul Farmer, co-founder, Partners in Health; Dr. Felicia Knaul, director, Harvard Global Equity Initiative; Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired, director general, King Hussein Cancer Foundation; and Dr. Charles-Patrick Almazor, director, Public Sector Partnership.

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