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19 August 2010


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My co-worker passed away from Breast Cancer eariler this year. Hopefully with all the money that is raised each year during the month of October and throughout the year, they can find a cure for cancer.Tamra - auggies @ comcast.net


"He has his OWN karma and you cannot cnhgae, or interfere with it. It will just be." While it was unsettling at first, I grew to accept that. It made the whole ordeal somehow a little easier. Hugs for all!suZen

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you always make me tear up. You have such a way with words and udndrstaneing and I'm so incredibly appreciative that I've found you. Thank you for coming into my life and thank you for your incredible site and all you are doing for those battling Cancer. You are truly an angel. I know this day, must be hard for you too and I have you in my prayers.


I am such a dork for mentioning this, but I am one of the (evidently few) who acaultly sent in the pink lids from the Yoplait containers! I really felt like I was helping, too But seriously, my time is precious and I'd rather just give money than save little foil lids and take the time to mail them in. Sort of a silly way to do fundraising. Thanks for this post, Dana, you made me think of a lot of ways to help with breast cancer awareness.


Thanks for the nice piece on Eric. As a testicular cacenr survivor and founder of the Testicular Cancer Society I can tell you that one of the biggest challenges we have now is awareness and early detection. Treatments for testicular cacenr are highly effective if caught early. As a matter of fact, many men can get by with just removal of the testicle. But, if it is caught later the treatments are much more involved such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


Lois Ballard - Rachelle, What DELIGHTFUL pictures and what a WONDERFUL Tribute you made of Katie's MIRACULOUS life!!! The photo's just made me CRY! Especially the one of Katie and Williams hands tgteoher walking along the beach! I'm married to Mitch the guy who helped create that Katie! What a STORY it all is!!! GOD HAS BLESSED HER AND US BEYOND IMAGINATION! Thanks for helping capture these precious people with your photo talents! GOD BLESS .Lois


Splenda is making great setids in sweetness for all. I wonder when The Cap'n will figure out to make sugar free (or at least lower sugared) cereal? My kids NEED it, for their safety and my sanity?Awesome pics the last two days, by the way.Wendyb4s last blog ..


Susan G. Komen also gave $569K to Planned Parenthood. Without a ploitical debate as to who deserves what and why..Im sure there are many other companies that are less likely to be in the lime light that received similar donations as well.however, examples like this to me means neglect to our children and their future.in my opinion, this dollar amount could have been more beneficial in places like, pediatric cancer.

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