John Seffrin, PhD, national chief executive officer, American Cancer Society (right), and Doug Ulman, president and chief executive officer, LIVESTRONG (left), deliver a report on the World Cancer Leaders' Summit, held earlier in the week at the UICC World Cancer Congress 2010, at the closing ceremony of the conference on Day Four.
The American Cancer Society participated in more conference sessions during the fourth and final day of the UICC World Cancer Congress 2010. The following are highlights of those activities.
A morning session titled “Actions for System Change: Community Mobilization Strategies for the 21st Century” featured a dialogue with John Seffrin, PhD, national chief executive officer, American Cancer Society, and Doug Ulman, president and chief executive officer, LIVESTRONG®. Dr. Seffrin and Mr. Ulman shared their views on programs and methods that are most effective in mobilizing communities to take action on cancer control. Dr. Seffrin cited the American Cancer Society Relay For Life® as a prime example of a program that empowers people in the United States and around the world to raise greater awareness about cancer issues and raise funding to fight back against cancer. Dr. Seffrin also highlighted the American Cancer Society Cancer Action NetworkSM (ACS CAN), a sister organization of the American Cancer Society, as a model organization that effectively advocates on cancer issues and influences policymakers in the United States to create laws that address the needs of those affected by cancer and promote cancer prevention and early detection. Mr. Ulman remarked on the importance of collaboration among global cancer control organizations and the use of social media in creating greater awareness around the world about cancer issues and what cancer control organizations are doing to combat the growing global burden of cancer. Both of them agreed that next year’s United Nations special summit on noncommunicable diseases, including cancer, will be essential for positive public policy change on the global burden of cancer.
The American Cancer Society participated in another conference session addressing cervical cancer prevention. American Cancer Society Immediate Past President Elizabeth “Terry” Fontham, MPH, DrPH, and Johanna Ralston, vice president, Global Strategies, American Cancer Society, were among the speakers for this session. Dr. Fontham spoke about the need for cervical cancer prevention worldwide, and mentioned some specific needs for prevention methods in Africa. Dr. Fontham presented case studies on cervical cancer prevention work in Guatemala and Nicaragua as best practices for prevention of the disease. This conference session was co-chaired by South Africa First Lady Madame Madiba-Zuma, a strong advocate for addressing women’s cancer issues in South Africa and across the continent. Madame Zuma talked about the challenges of cervical cancer control in her country and her role as the current chair of the Forum of African First Ladies Against Breast & Cervical Cancer, launched last year in South Africa by Madame Zuma and several fellow African first ladies to promote greater awareness of breast and cervical cancer issues throughout Africa.
In other conference sessions during the day, American Cancer Society Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley, MD, gave a presentation in a conference session on “Balancing Public Messages on Screening: Risks, Benefits, and Guidelines.” Rijo M. John, PhD, director, international tobacco control research, American Cancer Society, led a conference session focusing on the findings from a major report released earlier this week by the American Cancer Society and LIVESTRONG, “The Global Economic Cost of Cancer.” Dr. John served as a co-author on the report along with Hana Ross, PhD, strategic director, international tobacco control research, American Cancer Society.
In the late afternoon, many conference participants gathered for the closing ceremony for the UICC World Cancer Congress. One of the main presentations of this closing ceremony was a report on the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit delivered by Dr. John Seffrin and Doug Ulman, who discussed the outcomes from the Summit held on the second day of the conference. UICC representatives announced that their organization will be changing its official name in English to the “Union for International Cancer Control” (until now, the name has been the “International Union Against Cancer”). UICC representatives also announced that there were more than 3,200 participants at this year’s conference, and that they looked forward to seeing these participants again at the next UICC World Cancer Congress, to be held two years from now in Montreal, Canada.
Overall, this year’s UICC World Cancer Congress was a successful event. American Cancer Society staff and volunteer leadership played influential roles in many conference sessions. In addition, the American Cancer Society hosted 20 Africa and Asia grantees at the conference as part of a strategic to leverage on-the-ground expertise to align with the Society’s global goals to elevate global cancer and tobacco control on the world’s health agenda. Participation in the conference helped these partners by granting them access to international peers, emerging evidence, and information on global campaigns.
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Posted by: LuiseHiers | 26 August 2012 at 05:20 AM
My husband, Thomas, who has hromone-refractory prostate cancer, began chemotherapy with Taxotere on Sept. 13, 2010. He takes additional Vitamin D, gets monthly Eligard injections into his abdomen, and receives steroids. But his PSA is climbing. I am very concerned for his future.
Posted by: Abel | 31 May 2012 at 11:03 PM
Aku tidak diragukan lagi merindukan naik pengakuan untuk menjadi sarana untuk menghargai kita untuk semua kontribusi yang mulia kita telah dipajang di sini. Aduk diperbesar internet saya langsung telah terkenal dengan strategi besar untuk pergi dengan teman-teman saya serta keluarga. kami akan menunjukkan yang sebagian besar dari kita pada dasarnya pengunjung telah dikuduskan diragukan lagi ada di sebuah desa mencolok dengan orang-orang yang benar-benar yang paling murni dengan petunjuk menguntungkan. kita merasa memang terikat telah mendeteksi halaman web Anda juga sebagai sikap berani untuk jadi perayaan yang paling beberapa-lebih menit yang luar biasa massa di sini. Terima kasih lagi untuk semua yang kita beberapa rincian.
Posted by: glass insulators for sale | 09 May 2012 at 11:55 AM
Sorry about losing your mom. I lost my mom retcnely to the same disease. She wasn't as lucky as your mom, though, in how long she survived. Your mom must have been quite a fighter. That makes the biggest difference in holding on to life. It's very different for each person.
Posted by: Consentido | 17 April 2012 at 04:08 PM
Yes, it is. With stage IV breast cecnar the choice of chemotherapy treatment depends on the patient's goal of treatment. If the goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life, it may be more desirable to select a chemotherapy treatment with minimal side effects. On the other hand, if the goal of treatment is to attempt to cure the cecnar, treatment with more aggressive chemotherapy regimens is opted. Either way, all the new advanced drug therapies have recorded average survival rates of fewer than 24 months—so your mom sure had a passion for life! Here are some recent trial findings:ET (Ellenceae (epirubicin) and Taxotereae (docetaxel)): In a randomized clinical trial comparing ET to FEC (fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide) as first-line therapy for stage IV breast cecnar, the response rate to ET was 63%, compared to 31% for FEC. The average time to cecnar progression was 8.6 months for patients treated with ET, compared to 6.1 months for patients treated with FEC.TAC (docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide): In an attempt to further improve treatment, a third drug has been added to the combination of doxorubicin and docetaxel and evaluated as initial treatment for patients with stage IV breast cecnar. Two years following treatment, nearly 60% of patients were still alive. The average survival had not yet been established past two years following treatment.AT (doxorubicin and paclitaxel): A recent clinical trial evaluated the use of AT in patients with stage IV breast cecnar. Patients received AT or a common chemotherapy combination consisting of fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (FAC). The results of the two groups were then directly compared. The average survival time was 23.3 months for patients receiving AT versus 18.3 months for patients receiving FAC.Taxotereae (docetaxel) and Xelodaae (capecitabine): Researchers conducted a clinical trial to directly compare docetaxel plus capecitabine to docetaxel alone in the treatment of patients with stage IV breast cecnar. Patients who received treatment with docetaxel/capecitabine were more likely to experience anti-cancer responses, have a longer time to cecnar progression and survive longer when compared to patients treated with docetaxel alone. One year following therapy, 57% of patients treated with docetaxel/capecitabine had survived, compared to only 47% of patients treated with docetaxel alone.Gemzarae (gemcitabine): Recently, clinical trials indicated that gemcitabine and paclitaxel is an effective treatment option for initial therapy of stage IV breast cecnar. In one trial, researchers from France treated 36 patients with stage IV breast cecnar or locally advanced breast cecnar with gemcitabine and paclitaxel. Following therapy, approximately 42% of patients had an anti-cancer response. The average time to cecnar progression was approximately 7.5 months.
Posted by: Valentin | 17 April 2012 at 01:37 PM
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