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02 April 2010



Thanks for taking the time to post these pics. What an irnledibce weekend. My mind is still reeling from all the great energy and information we absorbed. I'm looking forward to another trip to Bend. Hopefully we could meet up for a beer. Also if you are ever back in PDX, don't be afraid to hit me up either. Until next time, cheers!


I'm running FB4.0 in this code, not FB4.1. The 4.1 cores reovmed the minor version from the filename, and added the fb_ function library to ease creation of custom lexicons. There are definite reasons to use 4.1 over 4.0, but this presentation was made before 4.1 was publicly available, and I haven't updated it. Little to nothing should change, however.


God didn't make us robots, Dennis.That mhnaus have choices are the problem.These BAD choices greed for one causes hunger, war and being a Republican. (not funny!)Jesus (God revealed) came to show mhnaus how to live, to love, to show compassion, to share and to see the beauty God created and take care of it. Again, even though I am a believer Christian I still make some bad choices dare I say sin' because this word isn't so politically correct any more.I need a rescue this is Jesus on the cross as the Lamb who takes away sin the penalty of sin, not an entire rescue from wanting MY WAY. I keep on making some bad choices and will until the day my Father God calls me to come to him my soul / spirit -and I leave this old bag of bones here. LOVE you better believe it! God is one Jesus on the cross is one part of God now that is LOVE the cross to draw whoever will to himself.Another dare I there is down right evil in the world Jesus calls Satan the ruler of this world or in other translations the prince of this world so we mhnaus have some help in our evil thoughts, deeds, and choosing to be a Republican (not funny!). What about some of the horrors like the spring tornadoes yes, the Devil, Satan has power.THE LOVE PART I try really do! to L O V E. The best I can do with a lot of Republicans is to ask God to bless them maybe God will show them their sin in a way they can't run from any more Like not caring that people don't have health care, don't have jobs, don't have enough money to feed their family, lie about the good that the Obama administration has done andPASS The American Jobs Bill .You are right I am a Christian socialist because when I read about Jesus he certainly was the first shall be last and the last shall be first' give to others who need help' Jesus would say, even if they are a Republican' (not funny!)NOW is the time to be seen and email our congress every day and telephone and demand The American Jobs Bill.HOPE? search American Patriotic Millionaires / BillionairesAnd we are all together. Is that what the campaigner Barack meant when he kept us yelling, Yes, WE can!'? We can march, we can email, we can phone and YES! we WILL save America!

Lana Stiles

a good cause for cancer. I still do not understand how people can continue to smoke till their lungs are black even with the knowledge we have today on smoking. I hope someday we find out how to stop the harsh affects of cigarette smoking. Thanks for sharing information about this conference.

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