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08 September 2009



Comment Sent via e-mail:Hey Mama, How are you? Great topic. Birth control is more poapulr than childbearing. They even start young preteens on them for Menstrual Cramping. How about changing the diet and trying some natral remedies? Also, the benefits of childbearing and breastfeeding in cancer prevention must outweigh the benefits of hormonal manipulation.Laugh at me, but I am going natural believing that If I delight myself in the Lord he will give me the desires of my heart (a large manageable family with emphasis on things that Really matter). Also believing that he has a plan and a purpose for each child - what a great ministry for me to usher them into that purpose. Also hoping for Early Menopause with great libido til I die!encouragement ladies - don't let money control your decisions about birth either becasue God will make a way. Thanks New Wife - keep them coming!


1.Call the landlord2. Inform him of the pboelrm (sure he already knows)3.Let him know you want it fixed4. If and when he refuses call the local news they love stories like that.5. after that humiliation consider it done. just dont expect a great relationship going forward.health of your kids is more important then being friendlty with the landlord though

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