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13 August 2009



My daughter had the shots when they first came out in 2006. She has been sick ever since. It has taken us 3 years to link her sncsieks to the gardisil vaccination. She is 21 went from an active, extremely fit girl to a sick and fatigued girl. Symptoms started showing up after the Gardisil shots. Symptoms include hair loss, extreme fatigue, insomnia, stomach cramping and stomach bloating, muscle pain and aches. She has developed auto immune issues and allergies. Gardisil has aluminum in the vaccine.Does anyone know what all these sick girls can do to make them selves better? Getting through the days are a struggle for my daughter. I am disappointed in myself that I didn't check into this vaccine more before i let them give it to her. We are extremely saddened by this. We have spent thousands of dollars on medical expenses only to be told she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Yeah, you bet she does and it all started shortly after her Gardisil shots.Please e-mail me if you have any ideas for getting healthy again. E-mail me at To all those out there suffering, I am sooo sorry and its just not fair to these young people.

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