Panelists at South Africa cancer control strategies meeting, representing the Department of Health of South Africa, Pfizer, and the Mandela Foundation
From July 20-23, the American Cancer Society brought together 15 cancer control nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in South Africa to discuss experiences and opportunities in coordinating community-based cancer control strategies. Participants engaged in small group activities and dialogues that highlighted common challenges, best practices, and overlapping resources. During a panel discussion, speakers from private industry (Pfizer South Africa), civil society (Nelson Mandela Foundation), and government (South Africa National Department of Health) shared insights and advice regarding successful multi-sector partnerships. In their parting statements, the NGO participants praised the opportunity to share ideas and use tools offered by the American Cancer Society at the meeting. They also committed themselves to developing and acting on local, regional, or national collaboration plans with peers. Since the meeting, multiple formal and informal partnerships have been formed or explored. The American Cancer Society also convened cancer and tobacco control stakeholders in Cameroon from July 15-17 for similar discussions on current activities and priorities. The need for more accurate information and education was highlighted as a major priority. One stakeholder recounted a situation in which a newly diagnosed cancer patient was told by his physician that it would have been better if he had HIV/AIDS than cancer. The statement was a poignant reminder of both the lack of awareness of cancer information and critical resources for cancer control in the country and the overall region.