Manila Training Participants: From left to right: Wawang Setiawan Sukarya (Indonesia), Kiti Kajana, Coordinator- ACS University, Siti Nia Rusad (Indonesia), Charlie Smith, Volunteer - Chair of the Board of the California Division), Margaret Drugay, Volunteer - Great West Division Board of Directors).
The American Cancer Society recently held the second training program for cancer nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as part of its Asia Regional Cancer Control Program. The training program, focused on communications of early detection and patient support project outcomes, was held in Manila, Philippines, from February 22-25. Training highlights included expert feedback on implementation strategies, poster presentations on grant progress, and a project site visit. The training was held in conjunction with an American Cancer Society University (ACSU) for Southeast Asia partners focused on tobacco control advocacy. Sponsoring American Cancer Society divisions, California, Great West, and High Plains, provided volunteers and staff that partnered with local tobacco control experts to teach sessions in how to promote and implement smoke-free workplaces as well as how to influence decision-makers and the public in order to create change. Together, the two events hosted 39 individuals representing cancer control organizations from a total of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. Faculty members from the Philippines included Framework Convention Alliance regional coordinator Dr. Ulysses Dorotheo, prominent journalist Nestor Cuartero, and several city and national government representatives working in cancer or tobacco control. Multiple staff and volunteers from the California, Great West, and High Plains Divisions also served as faculty, including CEO of California Division, Inc., David F. Veneziano. The training programs were co-hosted by American Cancer Society partners in the Philippines, ICANSERVE Foundation and Philippine Cancer Society.