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25 November 2007



If Beaconhurst High School (in East London) would like to begin debating in the new year, is it aavisdble to enter into the legue? We have never had any debating in the past, and to my knowledge neither have any of the teachers. Would it be possible to get the dates of the debating workshops for 2012?Thanks

 Dr Gamal Abdul Hamid

Dear Dr Omar
Friends and Colleagues
we have to find regular ways through ACS , UICC Or EMRO to improve cancer control programs in middle east.

Amal Samy Ibrahim

How to get list of participants? How to know about similar activities in the future?

Philippe Boucher

No representatives from Algeria?
Is there a way to obtain a list of the participants?

The blogs of Globalink Africa are also now on a google map :)

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