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30 March 2007



I have indeed. I haven't done that serach in a while, but I remember finding a table that broke down the odds by illness. I also remember reseraching and finding that it is really unlikely to be diagnosed with any cancer (most of which are curable or non-life threatening) and even far more remote to actually be diagnosed with a terminal illness. Still, the slightest hint of a perfectly explicable rash on my arm, and I'm writing my obit asking friends and family to send donations to the Skin Cancer Foundation of America in lieu of flowers.


Hey ChemoPalooza-girl,thank you so much for sharing your story. I 've been reniadg your blog for a couple of hours and finally I found the nerve to write you from Athens, Greece. My best friend in the world, (more than a sister to me, actually) was recently diagnosed with Hodgkins (IIIA +spleen). She is 25 years old and truly the most amazing person I know, very brave and optimistic and all. She is currently going through her options for chemo (ABVD or BEACOPP). I understand from your blog that you went with ABVD. May I ask what made you go for ABVD and not BEACOPP? Also, some tips (DO's and DONT's) with my friend would be really appreciated. I am generally super-optimistic and I am sure she will be fine once the chemo is over - however I have absolutely no idea of what to expect. Also, I would like to be funny like you, but would that be inappropriate when the humor comes from the friend and not the patient? Thank you so much.All the best and siderenia (this is the Greek wish, meaning hope you are made of iron ;))ALex


I'm so sorry about your Grama! I hope that she kicks this cancer's ass quckily and makes a great recovery!!Good luck with the house! Ours has been on & off the market for 3 of the last 5 years (crappy MI housing market along with a few not-so-fab Realtors, didn't really do much for us. currently off market again. blah.) I hope you have a wonderful Realtor and have much better luck than us!Will be thinking of you & your Grama, and sending good thoughts & prayers your way!

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